Saturday, June 11, 2011

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  • kukitron
    10-05 08:33 AM
    Great info,

    Salaries are quite low compare to the US,

    No Visa retrogression


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  • capriol
    05-14 04:18 PM
    Dear Folks:
    A few questions on my Advanced Parole filing (with an 485 pending):

    (1) What is the best explanation for Part 7 of the form I-131 which says, "On a seperate sheet of paper, please explain how you qualify for an advance parole document, and what circumstances warrant issuance of an advance parole."

    (2) Approximately how long does the AP approval take, and for how long is the permit valid?

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  • kumarc123
    06-14 08:23 AM
    Hello My current Consultancy is not paying me well, they are holding $1000 from my monthly pay check. :( I have a long term contract with client where I am currently working. I am think of H1 Transfer to other consultancy.

    I want to know is this the right time to go for H1 Transfer? :confused: Are H1 Transfers getting rejected?

    What happens if my H1 transfer got rejected? My H1 with the existing will remain right? Will my current consultancy knows if my H1 Transfer is rejected?

    H1 Transfer rejecting = H1 Visa rejection? :confused:

    Please let me know.

    Thanks a lot.

    First of all it is illegal for them to haord any type of money.

    Secondly if you don't have a green card process through them, or you do and you have your second step cleared and it has been more tan 180 days. You can the find a different employer and transfer, if your present employer tries to act smart, tell him you will call the labor department and inform about illegal practices in the company. Or best say, you will call senator Dubin's office.

    Gone are the days when Desi employers can treat consultants like crap, they are jsut blood suckers.

    Good Luck

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  • miapplicant
    09-24 09:56 AM
    We filed on July 23rd at NSC. No news as yet.


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  • ksurjan
    08-14 11:56 AM
    I am also in the same shoes as you. Been here 9 years, filed GC in 2002, still no end in sight. I recently got a job offer from back home. Decent offer, I am told by friends, enough to sustain a good lifestyle and then save some. I am seriously comtemplating going back.

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  • desixp
    03-22 12:24 AM
    Tragic accident in MO. My heartfelt sympathies to the families.



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  • snathan
    03-30 12:44 PM
    People who want to contribute money will always do. You may get a few people to donate because of the "Donor" status, but most I feel want to contribute because they care.

    Please allow me to turn around that question and pose it back to you - so how do we keep and attract people to volunteer (for all the wonderful things that I mentioned in my post)?

    All I am saying is that this approach could hurt more than it may help.

    Yes...I respect the volunteer. But still we need money. What is the source for that. I am not saying that I am going to contribute everymonth. Whenever possible I am going to. Otherwise just keep going and not going to whine about that.

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  • sam_hoosier
    11-28 02:37 PM
    I have registered on USCIS website for I-485, AP and EAD. When I logged on today I saw last updated date modified to 11/25/2007.
    Email notification for all the registerd cases is turned on. I did not receive any email notification for the updates

    Just wondering if some one else in the same boat not receiving emails.
    I have given my hotmail email ID, if that matters ?

    Any Idea ...

    Did you check your junk folder ?


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  • sanjeev_2004
    02-16 11:05 PM
    AOS or Consular Processing, PD will hold you.

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  • glus
    05-10 07:23 PM
    Nothing is "forever." If you hire a good attorney, he/she can argue, that you did have immigrant intent in the past, but have abandoned it and will try to get you a visa. However, without a good lawyer, it may be very difficult to persuade a consular officer that you no longer wish to immigrate to the U.S. after entering here. Contact me via PM if you wish and I can get you in touch with attorney who can answer more questions of yours. Thanx.


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  • transpass
    10-29 03:38 AM
    Hi Folks, I have few questions regarding opening NRE account...

    1. Seems most of the banks offer NRE account for NRIs. In general, which bank is better for opening such an account?:confused:

    2. Do all the banks which offer NRE accounts offer account services irrespective of which branch I open the account at? e.g., if I open an NRE account say in delhi, can I have access to and get service for the account say in bangalore? Or do I have to go to that particular branch where I opened the account? In this regard, which bank is better?

    3. Which bank generally gives better exchange rates?

    4. Any pros or cons in opening the NRE account at one bank vs. the other?

    Thanks for your replies...

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  • franklin
    05-31 10:46 AM
    Great news!

    But to answer the question posed - how do we get more of the affected retrogressed people involved. I suspect it will take "casting a wider net" and getting people from different countries.


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  • wandmaker
    10-22 11:42 PM
    Not really. Spouse's 485 needs to be independently denied before the spouse gets into trouble. However, if the spouse is on EAD, then they get out of status immediately upon the denial of their application. Also, illegality of primary depends on whether H1/L1 status is maintained.

    (Note that if the primary is still on H1, spouse can leave the country, and come back on H4 ).

    he and his wife both are working on EAD so they do not have non-immigrant status. If his application is denied, eventually spouse will also get denied. You are legal until it gets denied. Even after denial, you can appeal.... but it all depends on reason for denial. Thats what i mean :)

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  • prince_waiting
    08-30 09:49 PM
    You cant file H1 on your own. You need ur employers signature on it and ur employer has to file the petition. Even if you beat all that it is still very very risky to file on your own.

    I am not filing on my own, I am trying to just do the paper work on my own and try to save unnecessary attorney fees. Of course my employer is going to sign the forms.


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  • sam_hoosier
    11-12 03:44 PM

    I am on H1B in USA and now I am planning to set up a company in India. Will I be violating any laws by doing this.

    Can I operate the company from USA and still get payed in India. My clients will be paying my company in India.

    Will I have to pay taxes in USA.

    Thank you for your time.

    You can set up a company in India, while you are on an H1B. Are your clients in the US or India ? India & US have a double taxation treaty. If you get paid in India and keep the funds in India, you dont have to pay US taxes on that income. But you will have to pay taxes in India and report in the US.

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  • sobers
    02-10 10:55 AM
    It is important because this article distinguishes "skilled" immigration versus "unskilled" immigration. This country needs more of the former as enounced several times by leaders of industry, academia and politics, but the latter issue is somewhat controversional because of its largely "illegal" nature in the U.S.

    Regardless, this goes to show policy makers here need to be 'smart' and enourage 'smart' people to contribute to this country, as the Europeans are starting to do now...

    EU's New Tack on Immigration

    Leaders Talk Up 'Brain Circulation' To Cure Shrinking Work Force
    February 10, 2006; Page A8

    BRUSSELS -- Faced with a shrinking work force, Europe's leaders are looking for ways to attract talented foreigners, even as some countries on the Continent close their borders to other immigrants willing to work for lower wages.

    Plans touted by Justice and Home Affairs Commissioner Franco Frattini, the man charged with developing common immigration policies for the European Union, range from a new EU-wide "green card" that would allow skilled workers already in the 25-nation bloc to change countries without extra paperwork, to special temporary permits for seasonal workers.

    "The U.S. and Australia have stricter rules, but they get the right people to immigrate, and once they're in, they integrate them, and give them benefits, education and citizenship" much faster than in the EU, Mr. Frattini said in an interview. Europe's work force is expected to shrink by 20 million people between now and 2030, according to the European Commission, and businesses complain regularly about a shortage of highly skilled personnel, even as unemployment rates in many EU countries remain high.

    In Mr. Frattini's vision, a North African engineer could go to work in Europe, earn good money and return regularly to his hometown to start and maintain a business. Immigration policy in Europe is still up to individual countries. To sell the idea, Mr. Frattini uses the term "brain circulation" to counter accusations of a "brain drain" -- a phrase often used to criticize rich countries for sucking the talent and stalling the development of poor regions.

    The challenge for Mr. Frattini is that in the face of pressure from unions and politicians worried about losing jobs to lower-wage newcomers, most EU national governments are jittery about welcoming more immigrants. Only three of the 15 Western European EU nations, for example, have opened their labor markets to the bloc's eight new Eastern European states.

    While some countries are likely to resist opening their labor markets until forced to do in 2011, attitudes might be changing. Last weekend French Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy echoed many of Mr. Frattini's ideas and proposed special immigration permits for skilled workers.

    Plans to attract more immigrants are also a tough sell in developing countries that would lose their graduates and scientists. Mr. Frattini argues that successful migrants benefit their home economies when they work in Europe, because money they send home is an important part of many poor nations' gross domestic products.

    In concrete terms, Mr. Frattini says the EU would promote brain circulation by including non-EU citizens in job databases and funding language and job-training courses in immigrants' home countries. Mr. Frattini also wants to develop work visas that will allow immigrants to return to start businesses in their home countries, without losing the right to work in Europe.

    Some economists are skeptical. It is often difficult for immigrants to return home, and if economic conditions were good enough to merit investment, they probably wouldn't have left in the first place. "People left for a reason," says Jean-Pierre Garson, an economist at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

    The International Monetary Fund says immigrants dispatched $126 billion to their home countries in 2004 -- up from $72.3 billion in 2001 -- but there aren't any official figures on how much immigrants invest in businesses in their native countries.

    So, would brain circulation work? Some immigrants say they agree in theory that investing accomplishes more than cash remittances. Anecdotal evidence suggests investments that pay off require patience, hands-on involvement, start-up capital and participation by local residents.

    "Building is better," says Eric Chinje, a World Bank official living in Virginia who until recently had returned every two years to his hometown of Santa, Cameroon, with bags stuffed with dollars. "I'd take $5,000 and distribute among 100 to 200 people," he says. Three years ago, the 50-year-old Mr. Chinje set up a microcredit bank with the condition that villagers buy shares in the bank. Hundreds did, by getting money from relatives overseas, he says.

    The bank started in April 2004 with a capital base of $50,000. So far, it has lent money to a cooperative to fund a storage facility and a truck to carry fruits and vegetables to city markets.

    For an investment to really take off and make the kind of impact sought by Mr. Frattini, immigrant entrepreneurs say they need capital and connections.

    Kemal Sahin came to Germany in 1973 from a small mountain village in central Turkey. He started the company he now runs, Sahinler Group, one of Europe's biggest textile companies. Mr. Sahin employs 11,000 people, including 9,000 at plants in Turkey, where he started moving production in 1984 to take advantage of skilled, inexpensive labor. His knowledge of Turkish, local customs and regulations allowed him to set up an efficient operation, he says. "I was familiar with how things work in Turkey, and it was easier for me than for my German colleagues to invest there."

    --Andrea Thomas in Berlin contributed to this article.

    Write to John W. Miller at john.miller@dowjones.com1


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  • bbenhill
    10-06 05:39 PM
    Hi, I just got the H1 extension receipt, did you gave expired I94 when you travel ?


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  • gcwanter
    06-21 09:37 AM
    Hi jazz,
    Iam sending my passport for name change to sanfransisco by mail.I don't live that state.I leave in oregon state.So who can help me in this matter?


    I have not had a very good experience mailing documents to CGI. I would advise against it based on the time crunch we are facing here....
    If you go in person and get it done..that would be most optimal..and worry free.

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  • VickIowa
    12-28 10:55 AM
    I don't have the I-797A's I-94 which was attached to the bottom since I had to submit that in Jan 2009 when I'd visited India and come back to the US with H1-B stamping. I do have a copy of this I-797A's I-94...would giving this copy be better than not providing any at all? Thanks, Vick

    September 5th, 2006, 08:17 AM
    And what is HDR?

    06-20 08:28 PM
    I did it few months back for my wife from CGI SFO. You should be fine. There ia one thing though. The I-693 medical exam needs your wife's passport number. You could do that only after you receive the new passport. May cause some delay.

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